ISE and MWC 2025

In February and March, Iquadrat was present at congresses held in Fira Barcelona. The first event was Integrated Systems Europe 2025 (ISE 2025), which occurred between 4-7 February. Then, between the 3 and 6 March, the renowned Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2025 (MWC 2025) occurred.

Integrated Systems Europe 2025

In the ISE 2025 event, Iquadrat and Brainstorm showcased an Xtreme Reality use case over a 5G network. Specifically, the demo was a proof of concept of a holoconference scenario that merged 3 locations: the metaverse, a TV studio, and the location of the VR-headset user. The demo made the VR user experience a Metaverse studio scenario. It could see a presenter being recorded in front of a green screen. This demo was conceived in the context of the 6G-BRICKS project

Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2025

For MWC 2025, Iquadrat and ISI/Athena showcased a 6GBot developed under the 6G-INTENSE and SUNRISE-6G for configuring Network Functions following TM Forum Intents.

The demo consisted of 6 steps to be performed by the users:

  1. Deploy services in a cluster on an edge node
  2. Try to deploy a particular second set of services to a specific resource node(edge). This fails, and the chatbot gives feedback to the user.
  3. Migrate the first set of services to another resource node(cloud). The second set of services starts working.
  4. Roll back the migration of the first set of services to the cloud node. Some of the first set of services are not deployed on the edge.
  5. Migrate the second set of services to the cloud, leaving the edge node with enough resources to deploy the rest of the first set of services
  6. Abort both services.